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Rain Detection System Using Arduino Uno

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We can make Rain Detection System by using an Arduino uno and Rain Detection Sensor. The sensor detect the rainfall falling on it and the Arduino board will sense it and can perform actions. the Rain detection using in many field , such as Smart farming or Industries  . Rain detection system can be used to automatically control the Irrigation process. 




  1. Arduino Uno

  2. Breadboard

  3. Jumper wires

  4. Rain Sensor




First we connect the rain detection sensore to the arduino uno. In arduino uno there is 13 digital pins and 6 analog pins ,vcc or GND. and in rain drop sensore there is four pins A0,D0,GND,VCC. Now we need to connect rain detection sensor to arduino uno so connect rain drop sensore vcc to arduino 5 volt and Rain drop sensore ground to ardiono ground than after we need data in analog so connect rain drop A0 to Arduino A0.

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