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Third eye for blind using Arduino

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Businesswomen Walking in Hallway

About this project Third eye for people who are blind is an innovation which helps the blind people to navigate with speed and confidence by detecting the nearby obstacles using the help of ultrasonic waves and notify them with buzzer sound or vibration. They only need to wear this device as a band or cloth.


  • Arduino Nano -1
  • Ultrasonic Module- 1
  • Buzzer – 1
  • Slide switch- 1
  • DC socket & DC pin with battery cap- 1
  • Resistor – 470 ohm & LED – 1
  • Handmade Branding less printed circuit board- 1
  • DC Battery 9v


This proposed system consists the equipment like Arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensor, vibrating motor, buzzers for detecting the obstacles and letting the user know about the obstacle, Red LEDs, Switches, Jumper cable, power bank, Male and female header pins, 3.3 volt old mobile battery which is unused or discarded, some elastic and stickers to make the device wearable as a band for wearing for the users. The wiring of the device is done in a following manner. The Ground of LED, buzzer and vibration motor are connected to GND of the Arduino. 


 const int pingTrigPin = 12; //Trigger connected to PIN 7   
 const int pingEchoPin = 10; //Echo connected yo PIN 8   
 int buz=5; //Buzzer to PIN 4   
 void setup() {   
 pinMode(buz, OUTPUT);   
 void loop()   
 long duration, cm;   
 pinMode(pingTrigPin, OUTPUT);   
 digitalWrite(pingTrigPin, LOW);   
 digitalWrite(pingTrigPin, HIGH);   
 digitalWrite(pingTrigPin, LOW);   
 pinMode(pingEchoPin, INPUT);   
 duration = pulseIn(pingEchoPin, HIGH);   
 cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);   
 if(cm<=50 && cm>0)   
 int d= map(cm, 1, 100, 20, 2000);   
 digitalWrite(buz, HIGH);   
 digitalWrite(buz, LOW);   
 long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds)   
 return microseconds / 29 / 2;   


Thus, this project proposed the design and architecture of a new concept of Arduino based Virtual Eye for the blind people. A simple, cheap, efficient, easy to carry, configurable, easy to handle electronic guidance system with many more amazing properties and advantages is proposed to provide constructive assistant and support for the blind and visually impaired persons. The system will be efficient and unique in its capability in specifying the source and distance of the objects that may encounter the blind. It is able to scan and detect the obstacles in the areas like left, right, and in front of the blind person regardless of its height or depth. With the proposed architecture, if constructed with at most accuracy, the blind will be able to move from one place to another without others help.


created by IOTIANS

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