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Vehicle Accident Alert System Using Arduino

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We are seeing at the moment that accidents occur due to the driver driving drunk. Drunken drivers will not be in good condition, so those people using the road will not be safe and it is also a question of life and death of people. To overcome this problem, we have created an automatic engine locking system. In this system we have used an alcohol sensor which will check if the limit or if the limit is exceeded the engine of the vehicle will not start which will not cause this problem.


• MQ3 Alcohol Sensor

• ESP8266 Node MCU

• L293D IC

• DC Motor

• Connecting Wires

• Bettery (9v)



This sensor has four pins. This sensor is used to make an accurate decision of alcohol. This sensor can detect the presence of alcohol to the extent of 2 meters. This sensor has high sensitivity. Its limit ranges from 0.05 mg/L to 10 mg/L. There is a layer of SnO2 in it, if the alcohol is high then its sensitivity increases and if there is low or not, then its sensitivity is low. 

Features of MQ-3 Alcohol Sensor

• Sensor Type - Semiconductor 

• Easy SIP header interface 

• Compatible with most of the microcontrollers 

• Low-power standby mode 

• Requires heater voltage 

• Good sensitivity to alcohol gas 

• Fast response and High sensitivity 

• Long life and low cost


Node MCU is an open source platform and has a chip of esp8266 wifi module, 128KB RAM and 4 MB flash memory to store the program and data. Its operating system range is 3v to 3.6 and it consists of 17 GPIO pins. It has communication speed 4.5 Mbps.

NodeMCU is a development board based on ESP8266. It is operating system range is 3v to 3.6. Interface a GPS module with NodeMCU. In this project we wil use NodeMCU to create a simple local web server and the location details and update in that server web page.

NodeMCU Specification:

Type : Single-board microcontroller CPU : ESP8266 Memory : 128kBytes Storage : 4MBytes Power By : USB Power Voltage : 3v ,5v (used with 3.3v Regulator which inbuilt on Board using Pin VIN) IDE Used : Arduino IDE GPIO : 10 pins

3. L293D IC

L293D IC is mainly used to control the speed and direction. This IC has 16 pins of which are 4-input, 4-output, 4-gnd, 2-enable, 1-vs and 1-vss. This IC we can run two DC Motor. This supply voltage range is 4.5v to 7v. 

Features of MQ-3 Alcohol Sensor

• Separate Input-Logic Supply 

• Can be used to run Two DC motors with the same IC. 

• Speed and Direction control is possible 

• Motor voltage Vcc2 (Vs or pin 8): 4.5V to 36V 

• Maximum Peak motor current: 1.2A 

• Supply Voltage to Vcc1(vss or pin 16): 4.5V to 7V


The function of a DC motor is to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. DC Motor consists with two parts, first one is stator and second is rotor.

Dual shaft DC motor with gear box which gives good torque and rpm at lower voltages. This motor can run at approximately 200rpm when driven by a Dual Li-Ion cell battery at 6 V and approximately at 300 rpm when driven by a 9V Li-Ion cell.

It is most suitable for light weight robot running on small voltage. Out of its two shafts one shaft can be connected to wheel, other can be connected to the position encoder.


• Runs on DC power or AC line voltage with a rectifier

 • Operating speeds of 1,000 to 5,000 rpm 

• 60-75% efficiency rate 

• High starting torque 

• Low no-load speeds


Using a Node MCU and alcohol sensor, a system is built that can detect from the breath of any person whether he has drunk or not. By using this system we can reduce road accident and make people’s lives safe.

This system consists of a Node MCU that controls each component used in the system. The Node MCU is connected to an alcohol sensor, a buzzer, a L293D IC and two DC motors. And with a 9 volt battery, we provide power supply. As soon as we turn on the system the alcohol detects alcohol. If there is no alcohol then the engine of the vehicle turns on and if there is alcohol then buzzer starts ringing and the engine stops.


1. The main objective of making this system is that accidents caused by drunk drivers can be minimized.

2. This system will reduce accidents and increase safety.

3. This system can be implemented in different type of vehicles.


1. This system can be implemented in vehicle to avoid accidents caused by drunk driving.

2. This system can also be used in various organizations and companies to monitor their employees.


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