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Voice Control Robot using Arduino

Businesswomen Walking in Hallway


In this project we will learn how to make Voice Controlled Robot Car Using Arduino. The robotic car can be controlled wirelessly via voice commands directly from the user. The robot can move forward, backward, left and right and can also be stopped.


The Arduino voice-controlled robot car is interfaced with a Bluetooth module HC-05. We can give specific voice commands to the robot through an Android app installed on the phone. At the receiving side, a Bluetooth transceiver module receives the commands and forwards them to the Arduino and thus the robotic car is controlled.

Components Required


The components required for this projects are given below. 

1. Arduino UNO Board

2. HC-05 /HC-06 Bluetooth Module

3. L293D Motor Driver IC

4. 12 Volt DC Geared Motor - 2

5. Robot Chasis & Wheels

6. 9V Battery

7. Connecting Jumper Wires


Block Diagram(See in figure 1)


The Arduino Wireless Voice Controlled Robot consists of a transmitter and a receiver section. The transmitter end consists of Smartphone Bluetooth and the Android app installed on it. Similarly, the Receiver section has Arduino board as a processor, HC-05 Bluetooth Module as a wireless communication module, L293D for driving motors and pair of DC geared as a part for moving robot.


Circuit Diagram & Connections(See in figure 2)


The circuit consist of Arduino UNO Board, HC-05 Bluetooth Module, L293D Motor Driver IC, a pair of DC Geared Motors of 200 RPM and a 9V Battery.

  • The TX, RX pins of Arduino is connected to Rx, Tx pins of Bluetooth Module.

  • The Bluetooth Module is supplied with 5V.

  • Similarly, left DC motor is connected to pin no 3 & 6 of L293D  

  • Right DC motor to pin no 14 & 11 of L293D.

  • Arduino digital pins 2,3,4,5 is connected to L293D 2, 7, 10, 15.

  • The L293D IC Pins 2, 5, 12, 13 is GND pins and 9, 1, 16 is supplied with 5V.

  • But pin 8 of L293D is directly supplied with 9V.     


The Android App


The screenshot of Android App is given below(See in figure 3). Android smartphone with an app is the transmitter end. Android speech-recognition app used here was developed using MIT App Inventor.


Initially there need to be pairing of Bluetooth HC-05. Once pairing is done, then it need to be connected. When the app is running in the smartphone, the user’s voice commands are detected by the phone microphone.

Download the Android App from here: Download

Commands are processed, and speech-to-text conversion is done within the app using Google’s speech-recognition technology. Text is then sent to the receiver side via Bluetooth.

Working of the Project


As mentioned above Voice Commands are processed by phone, and speech-to-text conversion is done within the app using Google’s speech-recognition technology. Text is then sent to the receiver side via Bluetooth. Text received via Bluetooth is forwarded to Arduino Uno board using UART serial communication protocol. Arduino code checks the text received. Whenever the text is a matching string, Arduino controls the movements of the robot accordingly in forward, backward, Turning Right, Turning Left & Stop.



Click the link to the download code.


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